I don't know what exactly it is, but since when did it become unwritten law that planning a wedding must automatically turn you into a psycho?
I have friends who are avidly planning these sorts of things at the moment and the amount of stress they seem to be putting themselves under, hardly seems worth it. Seriously...just because the napkins don't perfectly match the same cream/offwhite colour of the bride's dress, doesn't mean that the entire day will be ruined and they'll be judged poorly by their friends, family and the staff catering for ever and ever and ever. *Bursts into floods of tears*
I've always pictured a wedding as a personal thing. I can appreciate those who see it as a massive celebration and I agree with that idea of things as well: to a point. If I get married, I think I'd want it to be small. With either just myself and my future spouse or us and a few family members. Not EVERYONE we know. Because there comes a point where it's less about sharing something or celebrating and more about keeping up appearances. It's ridiculous. Why not have a small, private affair and then a MASSIVE party afterwards? That's something everyone can do. And for me a celebration has always involved the sharing of a meal, so it kind of makes sense - if you can't/don't want to have a massive wedding, splurge on a massive reception.
And even then, I don't understand spending vast amounts of money on something that you'll only wear once, only use once, only happens ONCE. I don't deny for a second the importance of the day, nor am I trying to mock the importance people place on it, but it all seems a bit baffling that people allow themselves to get so worked up over this one massive event, that becomes a massive event and a massive amount of stress, largely by their own choosing, and risk destroying their relationship, rather than making it stronger. I mean...we've all seen at least one episode of Bridezilla. It's all fun and smiles on the day but sweet mother of god, how some of those men haven't done a runner by now, I have no idea.
I don't know. I could be wrong, but it doesn't strike me, despite all the history a couple may have, as the best foundation on which to build a marriage.
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