I've been putting off updating for a while now, namely because I'm lazy, but partially because I've been busy. But mostly lazy. And now things have quietened down a bit, I figure I should put some effort into that which may one day make me money. (HAPPY NOW MICHAEL!?)
So, last week was most exciting. And just so I don't flake out at the last minute, I'll be posting a day-by-day recollection of events. Don't get too excited. I've realised that a lot of the things that are super dooper exciting for me, arn't so much for other people. They totally should be though. ANYWAY:
Thursday, I went to Sydney. I had a specialists appointment which I was absolutely thrilled at the prospect of. My specialist is awfully fond on sticking needles in me. Notice, needles, plural. Not just 'Mary, I think we should do a blood test.', no, no, no, that'd be too simple and as you'd well know if you know me and you're reading this, I don't do anything by halves - ever. No, it's more like "Mary, let's do a blood test from each arm, then shove a canular in one and take blood every half hour and while we're at it, here's a vaccination." (FML.) I <3 NEEDLES. Not really. I hate needles. Hate them with a fiery, fiery passion. So much so that I usually start to hyperventilate and either faint or be ill EVERYWHERE. Yummy. I'll leave you with that imagery for a moment, shall I?
So, back to the specialists. Aside from a reletive shit fight of needles, I also had a CT scan, an MRI (after Dr Steve decided that the CT scan didn't please him), a full body x-ray and the inevitable urine test (Ew). There is absolute nothing glamourous about peeing into a cup. I don't think I really needed to say that, I'd say it's reletively obvious. See, not only is it just freaking awkward, I also find it really difficult (YES, I KNOW THIS IS TOO MUCH INFORMATION, BUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ). As in, I have to sit there, listening to a running tap and imagining waterfalls for a considerably long amount of time before I can produce the goods. Yeah. Fail. I have a problem. I'm ashamed, but it's a serious issue you know. I don't understand people who can just troop in and pee at the drop of a hat. I really don't. But in these sorts of situations, I wouldn't mind BEING one of those people. It's even WORSE when the nurse is just kicking back, waiting for you to finish so she can do some more tests etc and she just KNOWS that you're having trouble. Even worse AGAIN is when she knocks on the door "How are we doing? Do you need a glass of water?"
Kill me now -.-
So, after a couple of hours of taunting, prodding and the like, I was free to roam the streets of Sydney. Met up with the divine Mr R, checked into the YHA and got into an awesome conversation with the guy behind the desk, who Mr R and I both thought rather cute in a touseled, half starved student sort of way. It turns out he hailed from where I'd just come from, so we had a marvellous chat about the weather and the serious lack of fresh produce in Sydney.
Mr R and I decided to hit the streets after checking in. We wandered on down to the Harbour, which, considering how beautiful the day was, was amazing. I don't often take time to think about (here's a very brief, brief dash of patriotism for you) how lucky I am to live in this country. Sometimes, don't get me wrong, I hate it, mostly for stupid decisions made by stupid people. But walking down by the harbour was magic. The water was beautiful, the air was fresh and I'd just, from looking at some detailed signage, found out they were opening a new playground. Life was and still is, sweet. R and I decided, spontaneously, to go on the Ferris Wheel. Yeah. There's a Ferris Wheel down at the harbour. It's not there all the time, but it was too perfect a day to miss out AND I'd never been on a Ferris Wheel before. There were AMAZING views of the harbour and chinese gardens and when we weren't nervously clinging to our seats or eachother (or sorting through the million ways we could possibly die), we were having a rather lovely time.
After a lot more wandering along the Harbour, some Gelato, McDonalds and a run in with a rather scary bird (Scary to ME. I felt THREATENED. It was totally giving me the eye...*glare*), we headed back towards Paddys Markets! And....I bought underwear. God I love underwear. I have such a deep affection and enthusiasm for scraps of lace and frills and garter belts and *swoon*. I limited myself to 3 pairs, which I shall take photos of at some point. Needless to say they're all adorable. And Mr R managed to stop me going all crazy and buying several pairs of boots and something strange made of latex...even though It would have looked AWESOME. Argh.
Xmas 2024!
2 months ago
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