As it stands, I'm a die hard liberal (forgive me), but Abbott...well...hrm. I don't think anyone's ever really going to get over that ironing thing, are they? And work choices, or the re-emergance of, has everyone spooked. They haven't really addressed that in their compaigning so far and I think not talking about it and addressing the fears of the nation in that respect is more damaging than anything. I hadn't really though much about Workchoices until I had a lively conversation with the Boy about it, in the car the other day. I mean, it was crap for employees - many of whom were treated unfairly. But it was also good for some employers, who could better manage their workforce and get rid of people who essentially weren't doing their jobs, without the fear of 'discrimination' or 'unfair dismassal' looming over their heads. Admittedly, there were some employers who used this power for evil, but I think that with the right amount of monitoring, it could have worked. What they need to do, is come up with a safe middle ground. I'm getting a little bit sick of this 'The employee as the victim' mentality we seem to be pursuing. I mean, I'm an employee, I've been the victim of some shoddy work practices in the past, but I've also seen people who most certainly weren't victims, making out as if they were and getting away with it. Some people are either a) shit at their jobs or b) lazy. If that's the case and they're kept in jobs that other people could be doing better, for both themselves and the clientele who benefit from those people being employed, then everyone suffers. It's not that they suck at work period, they may just not be suited to the work they're currently doing. Go figure.
Back to this leadership thing though...did anyone see the press conference with Rudd last night? Yeah. He was a bit angry. Just a bit. Maybe just a tad. Like WELL PISSED. It was insane. Someone should have giving him a calmative or something before letting him face the media. He came across as all over the place (to me), despite SOUNDING good, expression wise, gestures, body language - not pretty.
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