Thursday, September 2, 2010

big op shopping day!

So I hit three op shops today. They're ones I've been to rather frequently over the past month or so, but Thursday is a pretty big stock turnover day for most shops, so you never know quite what you'll find! All in all I think I had a most successful day...!

Vintage suitcase. Hard shell. In dark blue. Love that it still has some of the old stickers on it!
$7 (Vinnies)

Now, so far as I can tell, this probably used to be a lawn bowls case, though one friend has suggested it could have been used for a camera. It's covered in all these old tourist attraction stickers, some from Australia, some from overseas. It looks fairly well traveled but it's still in a really good condition. When I first saw it I thought it might have been one of those old school cases! Either way I'm in love with it and plan on putting it to good use immediately.
$7 (Salvos)

This Maxi Dress is in near new condition so far as I can tell. Some fashionista looks to have abandoned it at the end of the season, possibly in favor of florals, which people seem to be doing a lot lately. It's from Jay Jays, but it's cute and Maxi Dresses are factoring into my top 10 things to love about spring. Why? They make me look tall and emphasize my legginess. Why is this necessary? Because I am short. My fetish for very high shoes is not only an obsession, but a functional one at that.
$5 (Salvos)

Excuse the Boy's suits in the photo. He's just had them dry cleaned. His usual dry cleaner would have charged some absurd amount and I made a suggestion he try a new one that Mother dear had used before. He was looking quite spiffy this morning in a nice clean suit and waistcoat. And I have to say, he rocks the colour pink (in shirts/ties), like no man I know!

For more BRILLIANT op shop finds, check out:

More to follow...


  1. So, what will you be doing with your new cases - any exciting trips planned?

  2. fantastic finds. i'm never very lucky with cases and bags ... just out of curiosity what's the city/general area you shop in?
    My Flea Market Find

  3. Love vintage cases, especially with all the old stickers left on them - if a suitcase like this could tell a story, it would be amazing, eh? Nice dress too. Always good to hit a few oppys in one go, guarenteed to find things!

  4. i think traveling is at hand! do you? :)

  5. Old suitcases are excellent for storage! Great finds, well done!

  6. Thanks for the comments guys :)

    Have managed to use the cases for a brief trip to Sydney today (the lure of all Sydney's op shops has been hard to resist! Anglicare Warehouse in Summer Hill...$6 a kilo for clothes...eeek!!) The bigger suitcase is quite light, despite all that I've crammed into it! I'm very pleased! And I've given the little brown case a workout since I got it, it's particularly good for carrying books and note books, I can fit everything in very neatly!

    Yes Erica! I love that they all have a little bit of history...there's another larger case much like the blue one and I'm sorely tempted to go back for it!!

    Susan, I live in the ACT/Canberra region. In my bloglist I have a link to 'I op therefore I am ACT' not much traffic there at the moment, but if you're ever in the area, they have a great list of all the op shops around, when they're open, what they sell etc. :D Have had many an adventurous day with friends canvasing different areas from that list.
