Ok, (Boy, you can shoot me for this later. I KNOW you're reading....*evil eyes*), so, there's a girl right? She's blogged about the Boy in VERY flattering terms (don't worry, I won't link them to it...) and then updated her facebook status in LESS than flattering terms because she wanted him, couldn't have him and then he got with me (Yup. That's right. I am THE scarlet woman. Woot!)
That sounded rather crass and a wee bit boganish. Hm. Anyway...
So, as a rule, I don't blog about people in an OVERLY specific way. Well, other than myself anyway. I try and keep it reletively discreet. People I know who read this, of which there are few, would have an idea of who I'm referring to SOME of the time, but if I'm posting anything of an overly RAUNCHY nature, I'm not going to make it crystal clear as to whom I'm referring. That's a little thing we like to call respect. You know? Other people's privacy? If you've had a facebook related bitch/lovefest/conversation about someone and then blogged about something suspiciously similar...well people arn't stupid and are quite possibly going to put two and two together. Unless you happen to know a lot of very stupid people.
We're dealing with someone here who clearly hasn't looked over the concept very much. Particularly considering the nature of what she's posting...it's a bit much. I mean, not everyone wants the details of their personal lives splashed all over the internet, right? And there's some things you can be discreet about and then there's other, largely graphic situations that are a little more difficult to tone down. Sure, bitch on about your own sex life as much as you want, talk about your own habits, highs lows, etc - but consider, most carefully, what you're saying about other people. I mean, it's all well and good rambling on about the last dud lay you had, but giving specific details about WHEN it was (Last week), gives any friends you've spoken about it to and possibly the person themself, an idea of whom your post is about. And even if NO-ONE else knows to whom you refer, the fact that the person who you've written about might...well, that can be a bit unpleasant.
I won't lie. I've done it. I do it alot. But more or less in the random and I try and really hold off on the specifics. Luckily for me, not many people I know tend to read this and if they do 'Hi Guys!!!!!' - Mainly because I'm not posting it all over facebook. I don't know. This is more or less a random rambling on about it, because it bugs me a little. It bugs me because this girl is unimpressed that the Boy got with me. Not because it's me, but because it's not her. And it probably sounds really stupid, but I don't like people thinking poorly of my Boy. Because I think he's wonderful and being aboslutely biased, think everyone should think the same (Sorry if this scares you, lol). I don't think either of us expected anything overly serious, it kind of just happened and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pleased that it did. Things happen. LIFE happens and I guess what bugs me is that people don't anticipate this. She assumes she wasn't good enough or that he's just an asshole...but that's not right. We all make judgement calls like that though, myself included.
I don't know. Poor blogging etiquette kind of makes my eyes bleed a little.
Xmas 2024!
2 months ago
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